Thursday, 23 January 2014

Brinita {Retro-styled portrait shoot}

Brinita and I have been friends since forever.  She is arguably my longest female friend ever.  We met before either of us went to primary school and have been friends ever since.  Brinita wanted a retro-styled shoot, so with the help of Pintrest; Brinita, Devonia (my sister) and I brainstormed what we would like the shoot to look like.

We covered a lot of locations, all in Uitenhage and Dispacth (we wanted to maintain a small town look), and a lot of outfits in only 60 minutes :) Her mother made the cupcakes, she is by far the best baker I know. Thank Aunty Nita. If you need sweet treats and cakes for any functions, do let me know and I'll put you in touch with her.

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