Monday 16 July 2012

Awesome gift, amazing husband!

You know that feeling you get when something cool happens and you wanna tell the whole world about it? Well, I have that feeling fact, I've had it since a bit more than an hour ago. I  just had some stuff to do before I actually could.

Earlier, a note arrived from the post office to tell me I have a parcel to collect.  Curiously, I took it to the post office, wondering what it could be; from whom it could be.  When I got to the post office, I received a weird parcel from someone named "kooky". Now I was baffled.  When I opened the parcel, I got this...and I just knew my husband had something to do with it.

Not that I wasn't convinced before, but I have the best husband in the world.  A bracelet made of perspex with a poem on it that Neal wrote himself....for me!... Beyond cute! Love my husband!!!

He threw in the earrings just because he loves me so much. oh, and cos he's awesome!!!!

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