Friday 6 April 2012

lightning, light and other things

Tonight was actually so awesome. A couple of us went to Port Elizabeth's Splash festival earlier and just as we were about to leave my sister and my husband decided that it was a good idea to photograph the lightning.  At first I didn't think it was so smart, but that's just 'cause I'm terrified of thunder and lightning (or I thought I was). But eventually I agreed to stay and photograph it with them, not sure what the significant nudge was, but I did it.

We found out that photographing lighting requires patience and an ability to respond rapidly to light. We managed to get some shots of the lightning, but not to long after that Neal suggested that we play around more with light. Initially we photographed our immediate surroundings then we played around with the torch tool on a cellphones.

Even though we knew what we wanted to do, we weren't exactly sure how to do it at that point. After playing around, though, we found what worked and stuck to it. All of this was a learning process in actual fact. A good learning process. I'm really glad that I allowed myself to be convinced 'cause I really did have so much fun with them. Here are some of the images I got. All the photo's consists of is light alone. Have fun:)

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