Saturday, 22 September 2012

Geraldine & Johan

For Geraldine and Johan's shoot, we went to De Aar Diereskeiling.  We scheduled this shoot for 7:30
am one morning, but when we woke up it was storming outside.  Just then, I got a message from Geraldine asking if we're still on for the shoot and as illogical as it seemed, something inside of me said that it was not necessary to call the shoot off.

I, then, asked Geraldine if we could continue as planned, which was a good thing, not only because it was a continual struggle to find and stick to a suitable date (for both of us) to do the shoot, but also because the storm soon cleared.

I'm super glad to have met Geraldine and Johan, they are such an awesome, helpful and funny couple.  The horses loved them too.  As a result of this shoot, I am now absolutely in love with horses and think them to be absolutely wonderful animals.  I no longer blame all the horses in the world for the incident with one horse that through me off when I was just a kid.  On the contrary, I find them to be very kind animals :)

Thanks for a lovely time Geraldine and Johan, I'm so excited for your future together as a newly wedded couple, meeting you was/is trully a pleasure :)

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